July 19, 2013

Nostalgic Afternoon

I have been thinking of my late husband Tom a great deal of late.  I had occasion to see things written about him around on the net quite a bit today.  He was a very good computer tech and a better than average pool player.  The following is an excerpt that I wrote to give more information about his last few years.

"I did not know Tom before he started playing pool in the early 90's. I was his 4th wife before I became his widow. Tom and I used to go to the old pool hall on south May Ave in the strip mall. He would often win hands down even in his early fifties. I used to listen to them regale all the stories of his Pool Hall escapades. I enjoyed every minute I was with him right to the end.

He passed away from Pancreatic Cancer at the age of 59 years on May 12th, 2001.  He had 23 years of Sobriety at the time of his death. He was cremated May 16th, 2001. A friend of his had built a scale model pool table of different kinds of hard wood to house the ashes. We had a memorial service for him on our lawn at our home. As long as I stayed in Oklahoma City I knew I would not get over his death so I moved back home to Canada.  I thank God for every minute I spent with this wonderful gentleman."

Tucker making a shot.

Our sister-in-law Evelyn, Tommy, and Ruth (me).

The Wee Few Thoughts of Dylan the Dog 

I went to the postage stamp garden in front of the house with Mom this morning.  She cleaned up the four beds she has and hopefully she will plant the rest of the veggies.  Then we went to the Lady's garden in the backyard and I was very excited.   But Ruth would not let me dig the dirt under the trellis seat.  I am so sad!

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