Last Sunday I took a fall in a friend's back yard after church. I was in the emergency of our local hospital from 12:30 pm to around 9 PM on Sunday. It was thought I might have a mild concussion. I went backwards off an upper patio dinging my body all the way down 5 flagstone steps and landing on my back on the lower patio of flagstones. They took me to hospital in an ambulance on a flat board and wearing a neck brace; so my back and neck would not be jostled.
So this past Wednesday, a friend of mind was driving to Lindsay. They asked if I would keep them company on their travels. The trip, which is about 100.4 km or 1hour and 48 minutes driving time, turned out to be very pleasant and warm.. The air was wonderful, the scenery throughout all the towns; Scugog, Little Britain. and right up to the start of the Kiwartha Lake District where Lindsay sits, was as beautiful as always. I suspect we took about 2 hours getting there and a bit longer on the way home, as we stopped for lunch.
The Wee Few Thoughts of Dylan the Dog
I wonder why it is that people and dogs don't have the ability to land on their feet more like cats. I think that I see a great many more dogs, horses, and people injuring themselves than cats. There is a big black and white cat upstairs named Bubba and nothing seems to happen to him. He gets through the days intact but passes out the odd bite or scratch along the way. It is most infuriating to be scratched with hind legs because Bubba is annoyed with another animal; who also doesn't deserve to be treated badly. Luckily for me, Sandy, the part husky upstairs and I get on like a doghouse on fire. Ruth hasn't been able to walk me at all since her fall but it will be okay soon and we will be able to get back to our routine. Well that is about it from me.
Shake a paw - Dylan the Dog