Well soon it will be a brand New Year! Time sure does fly doesn't it? It doesn't seem to matter whether you are having fun or not. I have often wondered where the traditions of New Year's Eve and Day came from so I looked it up. Click on the word spirit below to see the whole article.
"Symbolically, New Year signifies a renewal of life. Hence, the spirit of celebration for the regeneration, while discarding the old and worn out. The customs and practices, though modified through the centuries, have still their distinctive strains in the ways we welcome each onrushing year."
I don't bother with any resolutions as such anymore. I just try to do the best I can for myself and others that I can throughout the year. I just hope that 2009 works out better than 2008 did. Not that this past year has been so bad; it's just that I hoped I would have more personal and business progress. I do believe that it will be better this coming year. I just have to put a little more 'relaxed' effort into my days and not get all anxious.
So on New Year's Eve and Day where ever you are; if you are in the mood, and you happen to be making your New Years wish or saying a special prayer say one for me please. God Bless all of you and see you in 2009!
Note: Try not to eat too much and if you make resolutions why not do them 'One Day At A Time'?
December 28, 2008
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
8:55 AM
After the Celebration
It seems that just as soon as the big day comes it is over before I know it! At least this seems to be the consensus about Christmas day among my friends. A lot of us spend the day after feeling full and uncomfortable. As that particular day goes , 2008 wasn't bad at all. I spent Christmas day with my friend and her children and her grandchildren. She and her daughter put on a wonderful feast! I ate far to much and she sent me home with 'a plate for tomorrow'.
However the next day after the fact I missed my children and Tom horribly. I had my little weep and tried to do some work here on the computer.
My boyfriend, Dennis and I spent quite a bit of time here online yesterday playing a generic game of Scrabble which was a lot of fun! We had the video up and the phone on so we could taunt each other. I need to do some work today. I really hope that I can have my revamped sites up before the first but at the very least by the fifth of January.
I truly hope that you and yours enjoyed a great Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, or any other winter holiday you may celebrate in your home!
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
7:06 AM