Many of you will have endured trains, planes and automobiles, body scanners, pat downs and traffic by January the 2, 2011. Being put out all over the map is well worth it when you get to gather around the table for a lovely holiday meal with friends and family. This may be the only time you get to commune with these people this year. For some of you, this may be the last time you will ever see an individual. Be happy today, enjoy the company, bury all differences and rejoice in your similarities.
Just remember; whatever you have for your Thanksgiving meal, that the poorest in this country are far richer than so many other poverty stricken people in many countries of the world. Be thankful that your country is protected by armed forces who make sacrifices so you can be a member of a free country. These liberties are not often available in other parts of the world.
Enjoy the ability to go out on 'Black Friday' and buy this or that for the loved ones on your list. Be grateful you have the funds with which to buy them. Do your best to use manners and good common sense when you are out there shopping in the crowds. Be generous with your comments and deportment in the shops. Remember everyone else is just trying to find that special gift for their particular loved one or friend just like you.
Note: Melissa and Michael's Wedding was lovely according to everyone. We saw them on Thanksgiving and they seem very happy. God Bless them Both!
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