Posted by
R. D. Shultz
1:30 PM
Many of you will have endured trains, planes and automobiles, body scanners, pat downs and traffic by January the 2, 2011. Being put out all over the map is well worth it when you get to gather around the table for a lovely holiday meal with friends and family. This may be the only time you get to commune with these people this year. For some of you, this may be the last time you will ever see an individual. Be happy today, enjoy the company, bury all differences and rejoice in your similarities.
Just remember; whatever you have for your Thanksgiving meal, that the poorest in this country are far richer than so many other poverty stricken people in many countries of the world. Be thankful that your country is protected by armed forces who make sacrifices so you can be a member of a free country. These liberties are not often available in other parts of the world.
Enjoy the ability to go out on 'Black Friday' and buy this or that for the loved ones on your list. Be grateful you have the funds with which to buy them. Do your best to use manners and good common sense when you are out there shopping in the crowds. Be generous with your comments and deportment in the shops. Remember everyone else is just trying to find that special gift for their particular loved one or friend just like you.
Note: Melissa and Michael's Wedding was lovely according to everyone. We saw them on Thanksgiving and they seem very happy. God Bless them Both!
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
8:30 AM
At one point in our lives a friend of mine and I used to go on shopping excursions in the city of Oklahoma. We always had a wonderful time whatever we did together. We were practically joined at the hip. Now I live in NY and she lives in a much colder state. She has a lot of health issues the least of which is not her osteo- arthritis. However, she has many other debilitating problems.
Why on earth in these United States of America aren't all the states united in pricing, civil rights, and the right to good health coverage? Which brings me back to my girlfriend. She can't get any dental coverage. In her state; if you don't have a credit card or plenty of cash you don't get treated. The disabled people and old folk have to fight like crazy to get proper medical help there. This is the case in many states.
Well that is another two cents from yours truly. Please comment if you wish.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
10:48 PM
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
4:51 AM
I remember a time in my life when I believed in total freedom, and people helping one another in all areas of life. I lived on a commune farm, wore bell-bottoms and madras tops. We created protest signs some of which I carried. All of us took part in growing our organic vegetables on the farm and milking our cow. I could consume large amounts of food and not gain weight. I spent long afternoons on city beaches, viewed Fritz the Cat at a movie festival, went to Mariposa Folk Festival, Woodstock and New Port Jazz Fest. I lived in the Village in the 60's and Spanish Harlem for more than year in the early 70's. I was a extraordinarily accomplished baker, a champion of substitution, and made the best brownies anywhere.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
12:47 PM
The Republicans have the House of Representatives, the Democrats have the Senate and the Presidency and the country has a great many problems. Other than that everything is right with the world. That said, I want to talk not about politics but relationships.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
12:02 AM
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
8:48 AM
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
5:36 AM
Yesterday was a lovely day here in Long Island, NY. We woke up around 10am and leisurely got ready for an outing together. We planned to dine out around 2 pm down the street at our neighborhood pizza place. Ours is called Franks and this gentleman makes the best New York style pizza in the state. The pastas and salads are equally awesome. (yay Frank!) My gentleman friend and I enjoyed a slow and enjoyable dinner then strolled home. Later that day after working on our respective computers we watched the last Big Brother of the season. He calls it one of our ''guilty pleasures"; although strangely enough I don't feel the first part of the phrase at all.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
11:50 PM
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
4:12 AM
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
5:36 PM
Sunday, I watched Ralph Nader on a 3 hour C-span special. He was just as amazing as I thought he was all those years ago when he was an activist for seat belts.
After that I watched Laura Ingraham author of the 'Obama Diaries' run on about her beliefs and how good Americans knew that being a believer in conservative right wing values were the way. She minimizes anything and everything that President Obama has tried to do with what he has unfortunately inherited from the former Republican government. To my mind, true patriotism lies in the different legislature that one backs that makes life easier for the disenfranchised and the poorer people; not just Americas' privileged class. It does not lie in false sentimentality or flag waving. It lies in the full knowledge of what being a citizen of this country and ones true obligations.
I believe in God, Country, and a being happy. I know that sounds simplistic; but for me it is that simply put and that complex in real life. I believe in a Higher Power who is personal. I believe that a country and all its benefits are here for all its citizens. When just a chosen few get the privileges then the country isn't being governed correctly at all. That is just this woman's opinion.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
3:15 PM
If you read my blog on a regular or even semi regular basis; you know that I have just moved from Oklahoma to New York. The food prices here are overpowering. If Mother Hubbard lived here the CSI would be along for her and the doggie tout suite! Where I used to spend $100 for a month's food, I am now paying $200 plus! Now I ask you why is food so expensive here in New York???? Is it to pay for the freight from the 'mainland' to 'Long Island'? Or are we paying for Bloomberg's limos? Is it because the truckers got a raise here I don't know about???? I know that NY tax does not cover the whole escalation of prices so that isn't the reason.
Don't get me wrong. I love New York; particularly Nassau County. But my Oklahoma gauged Widow's Pension just doesn't go very far here. My dreams of seeing a couple of shows on Broadway on my dime are fading fast, never mind my trip to Ireland. I don't know about you but I don't like going on another person's dime all the time. I just want to be able to afford to do my own thing. Bottom line, if the food here was more affordable or I got a proper cost of living rise then I would be able to enjoy this wonderful county a lot more!
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
12:45 PM
I often wonder what it is about banks nowadays. Why do I generally detest them?
They are not like the ones I knew way back in my childhood. The clerks and the bank manager; all of them knew you by your first name. All you had to do is pick up the phone; if there was an overdraft, they would wait until your pay check was deposited and you were covered. If they charged you a fee it wasn't over a couple of dollars. Generally speaking you were not charged.
Banks were in the business of making money but they showed real respect towards their customers and would do everything they could to help them out. I was told by my Mother that in the late 20's and early 30's when peoples farms were being foreclosed it was different in Unionville. Our bank manager in town bent over backwards so that his customers could stay in their homes. Because of him not one of our local farmers had to sell and move away.
I had a bank account at that bank from age 6 to 13 and at another branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia in Toronto right until I was in my 20's. Trouble didn't start with the banking system till after my 50th birthday. It started after my husband died in 2001.
I have always had my own money and my own account whether I was single, married, divorced or widowed. Well, if it hadn't been for some really good friends in the last 9 years; because of overdraft fees here with the state side banks I might not have made it financially. Now it isn't because I over spent. It was because of the way banks operate nowadays. For example: They know you get a check in by say the 30th of the month. They also know that you need to eat the day before and instead of waiting until the day you get paid they charge you an overdraft of thirty dollars on 5 or 10 cents over the limit. That is the sort of thing that has caught me up for the last 9 years. It is absolutely ridiculous! I reckon that I have lost well over $10,000 in those 9 years to that bank in Oklahoma.My point is these people don't know you well or try to get you to know you well. The clerks are over burdened with duties and people are very strained in business relationships these days. Neither do I live in Unionville anymore. I live on Long Island, New York but I have to tell you; the manager at my local branch seems to be the kind of fella we had at the Bank of Nova Scotia when I was a child. Perhaps this bank will treat my money like mine not theirs.
Note: Found out what is wrong with my legs. I have chronic osteoarthritis. It can't be cured but the pain can be managed and I am not giving up or in on this.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
12:41 PM
Hi Folks! I am going to go to the hospital emergency as soon as possible. My leg truly needs looking at and it hurts worse everyday.
Other than that life is wonderful on Long Island. My three animals have adapted well to their new life with our friend Dennis. We all love our new apartment. We have a bounty of technology as well as the simple things that make life enjoyable. I have had quite a bit of time to get used to the area we are in and I am absolutely in love with my neighborhood. There are friendly business people as well as friendly neighbors. It is everything and more than I hoped for when I was packing in OK! I hope that everyone moving this summer is this fortunate in finding a place to live.
As has been of late; this posting will be short and sweet. Until next time ... have a good day and God bless you all.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
5:49 PM
Well I finally got here. It is a wonder but I am getting settled and happier by the minute. Have had way too many moving company problems! If you want to have a happy trip to your final destination then don't use Final Destination Movers. I have to file a complaint with them. To many articles broken and two not even delivered. Enough said.
My new neighborhood reminds me of Connecticut or Rosedale area in Toronto, Ontario. It is idylic! Our new apartment is lovely. Lots of things to be hung or set up yet; but that is okay, all that will come in time.
I am writing this on a friend's computer as mine still has to be connected to the internet. See you when that is done with the next post.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
2:29 PM
Thanks to a new friend in NY my fur babies will have a place to lay their little heads for awhile. The new place in NY unfortunately turned out to be nothing but a con by a fake project manager of a nonexistent company. So we have to find a new place by the end of June. However I am still on my way to New York tomorrow.
We need to rent a one bedroom apartment, on Long Island in northerly section of North Massapequa, or Bethpage or Northwest Farmingale near Boundary Avenue give or take 7 to 10 blocks in either a north or south direction or in Plainedge near Wyoming Ave please tell me in comments or use help@ruthshultz.com email. We have two very well behaved Tabby cats and an equally well behaved 6 lb Pomeranian. They are part of the family and we can't adopt them out. Surely you can offer a place for us. Children and teens, God Bless them; often make a great deal more mess and can not be discriminated against...why should are furry friends go without us or a home?
We also need a covered space in which to keep and charge an electric bike.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
12:12 AM
Got a new home, in a new state, with new people and new things to experience! Believe me folks no one is too old to relish that! Will be set up and with you next week....Till then just have a...
I will soon be a real old homebody again!
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
12:47 AM
Got some really terrific news today. First I am going to be able to move out of this house before the end of the month. I heard from the friend that lives in another of the eastern states and although not well they are alive and kicking. A friend of mine is coming to help me pack for 4 or 5 days next week; which considering my bum leg, will be a God send. So pretty soon I can put the imaginary traveling music on and enjoy my new home!
What amazes me the most; even though I am going to love getting to Long Island, I find that I miss friends in Oklahoma City a lot already. It seems this way often when we move, at least this has been my experience. This will be my last post before moving. My next post will be from Long Island. I hope that all of you will check my blog in mid June for that.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
10:05 PM
Folks, I am not a happy camper of late! I have been working like a beaver with it's tail on fire getting my things packed. I had to go downtown on business on Friday. I went to my destination on the OKC Metro Transit System ....that's bus to all of us that don't like fancy labels. I finished my business and went to the right bus stop to wait so I could travel home. I waited for over and an hour and a half, got frustrated and decided to walk home. Luckily when I go out on my own like that, I take a cane just for support. Well I bet you can guess what happened already folks. Two miles is much to great a distance for someone with game legs older than 50. You guessed it, I can barely walk now without my right leg hurting with every step. I am so upset with myself and the useless bus service in this town. I may just take myself to the Sawbones to see if anything can be done to alleviate the problem. Needless to say with only 21 days to get packed and gone out of my house, I am in a slight panic.
Which brings me to another query. Why are your friends all around you when they can acquire something from you but not there when you need some help??? Mind you, a lot of my friends have jobs, school, families, and disabilities so I can see why they cannot help me. But I have those that call themselves friend; that are footloose literally and figuratively that could help. They all know I am moving but none of them have called to offer their help. I don't know about you but I have the idea that the world was a much more agreeable place when I was a child. All I can say is pray for me folks and hope that I get through the next 21 days unscathed.
PS: If anyone out there needs a couple to rent an apartment, studio, or loft in a private home on Long Island in northerly section of North Massapequa, or Bethpage or Northwest Farmingale near Boundary Avenue give or take 7 to 10 blocks in either a north or south direction or in Plainedge near Wyoming Ave please tell me in comments or use help@ruthshultz.com email. We have two very well behaved Tabby cats and an equally well behaved 6 lb Pomeranian. They are part of the family and we can't adopt them out.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
1:35 PM
So far it has been a very busy month for me. It seems the more I do the more there is to do. I can't seem to get my bearings at all lately. I have been trying to figure out whether I want to use U-haul or a Mover; as my friend that was going to drive for me seems to have gotten quite sick. I have been thinking of getting a Pack Rat container to move to their storage lot for the things I don't need immediately. While all this is going around and around in my head I am praying the house gets sold and we get what we want and desire in New York.
So I guess what I need from you folks are your prayers and best wishes. However, if you live in the area I do, I sure could use a few bodies to get this mess in order and ready! I need a few competent friends to repack and pack before moving day. Then I need some really fit fellas to load the truck. I would not expect the 'movers' to do it for nothing but you and I need to know each other. I also need someone to help me organize a yard sale half way through next month. Knowing that things working just as I would like is probably quite possible; but not very probable I will just 'inch' on by myself and pray a lot.
Now those kitties have the right idea! Full of idealism and heart and short on on luggage!
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
2:19 PM
Well here it is the 7th of April. I had a lovely Easter at my friend's home. She put on a large, delicious spread. I am very fond of ham and all the fixings. Her daughter made a castle shaped spice cake for dinner with cream cheese icing. There is nothing like the combination of good friends and good food.
We have had a combination of thunderstorms or the sun shining brightly for the last couple of weeks. In both cases the temperature has been quite warm; 60 or warmer. We were able to turn off our furnaces down here, at the end of March. As a matter of fact; I have had my stand up fan on for several days. Surrounding the house there are dozens of clumps of hyacinths, a sprinkling of tulips, a clump or two of Irises, and a few daffodils. They were a nice surprise.
Another lovely result of this weather; is the fact that I don't have to wear a jacket anymore. I am still in the midst of packing. I just hope that most of it is done by the end of this month. This whole business of moving is harrowing to say the least; but I have every confidence it will work out well. I am looking forward to setting up house in New York and visiting my daughter and grand kids in Ontario, Canada.
I have to get all three fur babies their shots; ready for the trip. I hope that they weather the move well. Dylan, my Pomeranian needs a grooming before leaving too. Haven't quite completely made up my mind just how we are going to make the move; but that will come by the end of the month too.
When I think of all the changes going on in my life, I must remember that life flourishes on change. We have to be aware that it is all of our experiences that make life interesting and worth living. I know something else for sure; anytime there has been a change in my life, it has always been for the best in the end. So folks keep me in your prayers for this and next month. I need all the support I can muster. Thanks to Tom, my late husband; I not only believe in dreaming my dreams, I believe in living my dreams!
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
6:57 AM
I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.
It covers:
I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.
Just wanted to tell everyone that I think that the above 'multi-media course on blogging' is absolutely wizard! It is concise, to the point, and really gives you some terrific pointers that are sure to make the student more successful with their blog.
Ruth Shultz.