December 4, 2010

Older or Better?

Remember those old Clairol commercials where they told the audience; "You're not getting older, you're getting

Well I am here to revise that quote. I am turning 63 on the 9th of December and older is fine with me. It just doesn't seem to be fine with the rest of the world. : ) My life aside from the children is very active. My children and grandkids are very important in my thoughts, heart, and life. In fact, aside from being a parent, I have had more fun in the last 12 years than I have had in the rest of my adult life. I truly belief that not only am I getting older but with each year I am learning to be happier and lead a more interesting interior life than ever before.

In this age of Botox and firming creams; the quote "Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be" is lost. It just amazes me that in an era when Baby Boomers represent 30% of the population that youth is so highly exalted. What has happened to respecting those who had truths to pass down, respecting one's elders, and sitting at the feet of wisdom?

I think that life in the 21st century is amazing; however like any time in history, there are problems politically, economically, and socially. I think; however we could do with taking a few ideas from the old days. Things like the members of an extended family giving mutual help to each other. People having access to good inexpensive health and non-term life insurance to cover funeral costs. Good, well structured, food co-ops. Everyone given a proper opportunity to have a nice place of their own and a way of making an income enjoyably.

Oh, by the way, I am still an idealist of sorts. I probably am more of an pessimistic
optimist than a straight forward optimist. I want to believe that most people are good; but I know that there are a percentage of people, that are quite opposite to this. It is amazing that I have gotten to this age. I have known 'bad' people. Every day that I have lived amongst human kind, has rendered me less likely to be shocked by what they are capable of doing. But I still believe that human kind is capable of great good, nobility and kindness every day. All each of us need is a good, loving, and kind belief system and the determination to be as good or better than what we want others to be.

So, what have I learned? That my happiness does not depend on anyone else but can
only be enhanced by others. That I am a successful human being if I succeed in being the best child, mother, sister, aunt, grandma and partner I can be. Most of all, that I am not loved for what I do or can do; but who I am. I just try to do nice things for people because that makes my life feel better each day.

So Happy Birthday to me and thank God for my life! Perhaps I am exactly who I was meant to be today!

November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

It seems as though each October and November that goes by that we have more and more to be thankful for in North America. I celebrate the american thanksgiving because I live here but remember my family in Canada at their thanksgiving.

Many of you will have endured trains, planes and automobiles, body scanners, pat downs and traffic by January the 2, 2011. Being put out all over the map is well worth it when you get to gather around the table for a lovely holiday meal with friends and family. This may be the only time you get to commune with these people this year. For some of you, this may be the last time you will ever see an individual. Be happy today, enjoy the company, bury all differences and rejoice in your similarities.

Just remember; whatever you have for your Thanksgiving meal, that the poorest in this country are far richer than so many other poverty stricken people in many countries of the world. Be thankful that your country is protected by armed forces who make sacrifices so you can be a member of a free country. These liberties are not often available in other parts of the world.

Enjoy the ability to go out on 'Black Friday' and buy this or that for the loved ones on your list. Be grateful you have the funds with which to buy them. Do your best to use manners and good common sense when you are out there shopping in the crowds. Be generous with your comments and deportment in the shops. Remember everyone else is just trying to find that special gift for their particular loved one or friend just like you.

Note: Melissa and Michael's Wedding was lovely according to everyone. We saw them on Thanksgiving and they seem very happy. God Bless them Both!

November 10, 2010




Remembrance Day - November 10, 2010

May We Always Remember Those

Who Fell In Battle

To Preserve Our Freedom!

Although I live in the United States of America I am still a Canadian in my heart.

November 8, 2010

Days of Dylan and Bare Feet Gone?

I remember a time in my life when I believed in total freedom, and people helping one another in all areas of life. I lived on a commune farm, wore bell-bottoms and madras tops. We created protest signs some of which I carried. All of us took part in growing our organic vegetables on the farm and milking our cow. I could consume large amounts of food and not gain weight. I spent long afternoons on city beaches, viewed Fritz the Cat at a movie festival, went to Mariposa Folk Festival, Woodstock and New Port Jazz Fest. I lived in the Village in the 60's and Spanish Harlem for more than year in the early 70's. I was a extraordinarily accomplished baker, a champion of substitution, and made the best brownies anywhere.

I still believe in freedom but on a more personal level. I don't try to change the world anymore; just a little corner of it. I do my best to buy good produce. I don't eat a lot of red meat but am not a vegetarian any longer. I wear jeans, a lot of leopard print, and bright cat t-shirts. I still love Dylan, Melanie, the Beatles, folk music, psychedelic rock, music festivals, and warm city beaches. I don't bake brownies anymore nor do I go to Harlem or the Village.

Every decade in my life has taught me a little about myself and the world around me. For instance; I can't smoke anymore, I don't like large crowds at all, anything I eat goes right on my hips, my tolerance for pungent smells is low, I can't stand on these old pins for a very long time nor can I walk a long way. But I still walk bare foot whenever possible, enjoy chick peas in all kinds of salads and soups, and love bright prints and colors.

So the Days of Dylan and bare feet are not gone just revised. Oh by the way I still love Fritz. He is one of my guilty pleasures.

November 4, 2010

Voting's done.

The Republicans have the House of Representatives, the Democrats have the Senate and the Presidency and the country has a great many problems. Other than that everything is right with the world. That said, I want to talk not about politics but relationships.

Relationships definitely present a slippery slope quite often these days. Trying to get the day to day routine to somehow turn into a great romantic evening is sometimes near impossible. When I was 30 I didn't believe that romance would be part of my life after 50. I sure did not know anything about seniors and relationships. It is just as real and as intense as it has always been; just a little more work in some ways. In fact I am beginning to realize that I will be 6 ft under, so to speak, before my sexuality doesn't mean anything.

Interpersonal relationships with my children, girl friends, and male friends have become more and more interesting every day. I should really be happy to see all my friends in person every day. The tech age helps us sustain friendships over miles and chat as though they are in the same room. Guess that will have to do.

I even have something called memory that enables me to have an ability to keeps those I have loved; that have passed on, to still be part of the present to an extent.

My animals provide a sounding board that never talks back and is always there with a sympathetic ear and a small shoulder to cry on. They seem to hang on my every word and seem to want to help me find a solution to all problems.

The tech age is wonderful to keep in touch with those that are sick or infirmed. A good medium to find out solutions for health problems. A place to answer a question or two wrought by
curiosity. A place to order those special items we need to order for others and ourselves. Which brings me to the real 'relationship' that I have with my computer. Ain't life in the 21st century incredible?

Just one thing....wonder if the journal industry knows if they know why they aren't selling so well? :)

Note: I hope that Melissa's and Mike's wedding turns out as beautiful as it promises to be on Sunday.

October 14, 2010

Big Brother Sneaking a Peek?

I think that Big Brother is watching us with all of his many eyes. He also seems to have many hands; rather like an Asian deity. Big has been telling us what to think politically, socially, economically, and has even monitored our sexuality to an extent. Been doing it for over the last century. My parents and their people saw it happen during their lives. According to my Mom; Big Brother watched us very furtively in the 40's and 50's. However if she were still with us, I believe she would agree with me that the past 20 years have been even worse. The difference between today and then is this; people are afraid of getting involved personally where as at least from the 40's to the 60's a great many people tried to involve themselves in different causes and other peoples lives. I sight such things as Greenpeace, Antiwar Marches, Veterans Day, Draft- Card Burning, Harbor Day, Peace Marches, and Civil Rights Marches.

Honesty and integrity are at a premium in this tired old world. People are so much more suspicious of each other than they were when I was little. We don't know our neighbors or work together as well as we did in the 50's. I am not saying that criminals were not around, that there were not robbers or murderers. or that children were not bullied. It just seemed that there were more pockets of safety in society when I was younger. I noticed a great change around my 13th year. Perhaps my parents were doing their job better than some. Until I got a taste of the world beyond my family circle I didn't realize just how scary the world was even back then. And at the risk of sounding paranoid it certainly is frightening now.

Okay what does all this got to do with Big Brother? Well our anonymity with the government and in society in general works against us. Crime is committed on several levels these days. We not only need to be wary of criminals but the "law keepers and makers". We have complicated our legal world so much that it often works against us. The use of computers and all the other technology we have invented has us far more open to scrutiny with too many strangers.

No one in this world should be seen as more valuable or better than another person. However it seems that the disabled, the poor and the meek are often condemned in the legal systems of the western world more often than not. Their voices are simply not heard above the din. We can not guard our personal statistics, have a bit of privacy, or socially mind and have others mind their own business. Thank the powers that be or perhaps not for such things as Life-Loc, ADT, Protection One and Lifeline. But when you really think about it, these are but band-aids on the privacy and security problems many of us are having.

Our governments and the banking world have reduced our identities to a bunch of numbers. Not many people call us by name; when we are going about on our errands in the community. Big Brother is deftly watching and conducting our lives. A time machine would be a ludicrous panacea for our problems. What we need to do is be more open to helping each other. We need to help the people who have nothing and tax the ones that have more than they need. Our countries need to help the people in their own back yards; as well as helping those in the rest of the Global Village. The time for band-aids is over. Lets do an 'operation' now before the emergency is full of potential appendectomies!

September 26, 2010

Sagamore Hill Day Trip

My Honey and I went to Sagamore Hill National Historic Site on Oyster Bay this past week. It was amazing! Teddy Roosevelt built a wonderful home for his family in 1885 on Cove Neck Road. He enjoyed time with his family right up until his death in 1919. The estate had lots of land for horseback riding. There are 23 rooms and it provided ample room for all six of the Roosevelt children. Books are every where just as they were when the family lived in the home. You can find out more about this wonderful place here.

I just want to make a few personal observations about my experience. The gentleman at the tourist center was very helpful. Our guide for the tour was a very sprightly woman, who must have been over 50; but I believe she may have been in her 70's. At any rate she was very athletic for someone her age. She showed us all three floors of the home with tremendous ability. She delivered her facts and anecdotes with aplomb. While we were at the park we also visited "The Teddy Roosevelt Museum in the Old Orchard House. The thing that interested me the most was the exhibit case housing Teddy's Rough Rider Uniform with the famous original hat with it's pinned up brim. The other things that I found fascinating were his service revolver, his sword, Teddy's published works and 1900 McKinley-Roosevelt Campaign buttons.

We went went into the town of Oyster Bay and enjoyed a late lunch at Tabby's Burger House. Just a little warning for those who go there...unless you are absolutely starving get the quarter pounder. My Greek salad, half pounder with cheese, mushrooms, and fried onions, and french fries was delicious. I had the first chocolate egg creme I have had in over 40 years. It was absolutely scrumptious. Needless to say I got a "doggie bag"

To say that we both enjoyed the day is an understatement.

Note: Where did the Teddy Bear get it's name? The beloved toy we've come to know today as the "Teddy Bear" was named after the 26th President of the United States, Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt.

According to one legend, Roosevelt was settling a border dispute between Louisiana and Mississippi in 1902. During this trip, he attended a bear hunt in Mississippi where a fellow hunter captured an injured bear, tied it to a tree and asked Roosevelt to shoot it. But Roosevelt didn't have the heart to kill the defenseless bear. The Washington Post ran an editorial cartoon created by the cartoonist Clifford K. Berryman that illustrated the event called "Drawing the Line." The cartoon and the story became popular and was published in newspapers all over the

Store owners Morris and Rose Michtom in New York saw the cartoon. Rose made some small stuffed bears to sell in their store. Morris wrote to Roosevelt requesting his permission to call the bears "Teddy Bears". President Roosevelt granted them the usage of his nickname, but added that he did not think using his name would help sell the bears. The bears proved to be a hit and the rest is history.

September 16, 2010

Yesterday ...

Yesterday was a lovely day here in Long Island, NY. We woke up around 10am and leisurely got ready for an outing together. We planned to dine out around 2 pm down the street at our neighborhood pizza place. Ours is called Franks and this gentleman makes the best New York style pizza in the state. The pastas and salads are equally awesome. (yay Frank!) My gentleman friend and I enjoyed a slow and enjoyable dinner then strolled home. Later that day after working on our respective computers we watched the last Big Brother of the season. He calls it one of our ''guilty pleasures"; although strangely enough I don't feel the first part of the phrase at all.

All of this brings me to the point of my post...that each day brings such a variety of events that I have begun to wonder how people can possibly be bored with life no matter what their age. I mean if someone like me with limited physical ability can find things to enjoy how on earth can people with all their abilities at hand be bored. Despite all the things the media can find "wrong" with the world, there are a bounty of wonderful things that are right, good and amazing with our world and in our lives!

I honestly feel grateful for my two wonderful daughters, my son, three lovely granddaughters, my nieces and nephews, my sisters, and all their respective spouses. The only regret I have is that I am not as emotionally close to some of them as I wish. I love, enjoy, and am blessed with an abundance of friends online and in person. On another level I am also very grateful for my 2 lovely cats, and my dog. Their day to day follies are a constant delight to both of us. I
enjoy my music, reading, writing, walking, crafts, cooking, and collecting as well.

My greatest wish is that everyone that I know and love are happy and have as few moments of boredom as possible!

Notice: This Blog is going to adapt the larger font as it is hard for author to see otherwise. Perhaps more people will read it now. :)

September 4, 2010

Surfing the World Wide Web.

When I was young I thought it would be grand to live in California and surf my heart out. Now I virtually surf and I can tell you it is a time consuming thing. However I have found several traffic exchange sites that help a surfer like me to go straight to a number of their favorite sites at one time. I truly enjoy the whole surfing experience. The fact that I want to drive the traffic to my sites almost seems beside the point.

I have learned a lot of things in the past month just by surfing the WWW. I have been a long time fan of Bob Dylan and just realized he had a son Jakob in the music business who rivals his father's efforts when he was a younger man.

I have discovered that a non-gluten diet may just diminish my joint pains and the numbness in my left hand. It would be very nice not to have so much pain and not to have to take so much naproxen sodium.

I have learned a lot of other things as well about doggie dermatology, how to run ads for free, where the least expensive flea meds for pets can be purchased, how to prepare appetizing polenta and so much more.

It seems as though my learning curve has gotten higher since I have been on the WWW.
I have had access to it in one form or another since the 1980's. I have been on the internet since 1969. I never got into internet marketing until the early 90's. Most of my time on computers until then was in chat rooms and surfing for information to quench my curiosity.

I have come across an interesting site put together by 60 year old gentleman living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He says in his submission that many will say he is old but like him I wonder how come such a young at heart soul can be so old. Evidently, he loves music; classical music and you can see almost 11,00 scores at Hemmingway's Studio . Good for you Hemmingway! He has tuxedo cat too that he seems to hold in great regard. Hope that Or
eo and you are both well!

August 28, 2010

Long Ago and......

I just finished watching 'Milk' all the way through and understand now on a more visceral level the absolute importance of Harvey's agenda and work. I don't think that the fight is over yet; indeed the fight is still on for all disenfranchised people; homosexuals, women and children being the main groups. What hit me the most about Harvey's death; is the fact that someone like Dan White would not be remembered in life outside of the movie or book as much as Harvey was in death. That my friends is how it should be! The good guys should be remembered first and foremost. If just one person remembers someone who has helped the hopeless; then no activism of any kind is pointless.

Which brings me to the point of this posting. After I watched 'Milk' my mind traveled back to my nephew Andrew and all the things he was and what he might have been had he lived. Suffice to say, Andy had the great spirit of an activist given half a chance! I spent the 60's pursuing some cause or other. Never felt as though I was very successful though. It is hard being part of a whole, large, group when you are young and have dreams of being a ground-breaker. Of course, the other side of the coin is that it was wonderful having some small part in that sign carrying era. But that was long ago and far away.

If I could still walk for miles, stand with my arms above my head for prolonged periods of time, or shout over and over for hours; I would still probably be trying to protest something or another. Then I realized I have a quieter, low-key way of carrying a placard. I will continue to use this space as my placard. I shall continue to do that post after post.

August 1, 2010

Mini-post: Saw Ralph Sunday!!

Sunday, I watched Ralph Nader on a 3 hour C-span special. He was just as amazing as I thought he was all those years ago when he was an activist for seat belts.

After that I watched Laura Ingraham author of the 'Obama Diaries' run on about her beliefs and how good Americans knew that being a believer in conservative right wing values were the way. She minimizes anything and everything that President Obama has tried to do with what he has unfortunately inherited from the former Republican government. To my mind, true patriotism lies in the different legislature that one backs that makes life easier for the disenfranchised and the poorer people; not just Americas' privileged class. It does not lie in false sentimentality or flag waving. It lies in the full knowledge of what being a citizen of this country and ones true obligations.

I believe in God, Country, and a being happy. I know that sounds simplistic; but for me it is that simply put and that complex in real life. I believe in a Higher Power who is personal. I believe that a country and all its benefits are here for all its citizens. When just a chosen few get the privileges then the country isn't being governed correctly at all. That is just this woman's opinion.

July 31, 2010

Hubbard's Cupboard!

If you read my blog on a regular or even semi regular basis; you know that I have just moved from Oklahoma to New York. The food prices here are overpowering. If Mother Hubbard lived here the CSI would be along for her and the doggie tout suite! Where I used to spend $100 for a month's food, I am now paying $200 plus! Now I ask you why is food so expensive here in New York???? Is it to pay for the freight from the 'mainland' to 'Long Island'? Or are we paying for Bloomberg's limos? Is it because the truckers got a raise here I don't know about???? I know that NY tax does not cover the whole escalation of prices so that isn't the reason.

Don't get me wrong. I love New York; particularly Nassau County. But my Oklahoma gauged Widow's Pension just doesn't go very far here. My dreams of seeing a couple of shows on Broadway on my dime are fading fast, never mind my trip to Ireland. I don't know about you but I don't like going on another person's dime all the time. I just want to be able to afford to do my own thing. Bottom line, if the food here was more affordable or I got a proper cost of living rise then I would be able to enjoy this wonderful county a lot more!

July 27, 2010

Finacial Wizard I Am Not!

I often wonder what it is about banks nowadays. Why do I generally detest them?

They are not like the ones I knew way back in my childhood. The clerks and the bank manager; all of them knew you by your first name. All you had to do is pick up the phone; if there was an overdraft, they would wait until your pay check was deposited and you were covered. If they charged you a fee it wasn't over a couple of dollars. Generally speaking you were not charged.

Banks were in the business of making money but they showed real respect towards their customers and would do everything they could to help them out. I was told by my Mother that in the late 20's and early 30's when peoples farms were being foreclosed it was different in Unionville. Our bank manager in town bent over backwards so that his customers could stay in their homes. Because of him not one of our local farmers had to sell and move away.

I had a bank account at that bank from age 6 to 13 and at another branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia in Toronto right until I was in my 20's. Trouble didn't start with the banking system till after my 50th birthday. It started after my husband died in 2001.

I have always had my own money and my own account whether I was single, married, divorced or widowed. Well, if it hadn't been for some really good friends in the last 9 years; because of overdraft fees here with the state side banks I might not have made it financially. Now it isn't because I over spent. It was because of the way banks operate nowadays. For example: They know you get a check in by say the 30th of the month. They also know that you need to eat the day before and instead of waiting until the day you get paid they charge you an overdraft of thirty dollars on 5 or 10 cents over the limit. That is the sort of thing that has caught me up for the last 9 years. It is absolutely ridiculous! I reckon that I have lost well over $10,000 in those 9 years to that bank in Oklahoma.

My point is these people don't know you well or try to get you to know you well. The clerks are over burdened with duties and people are very strained in business relationships these days. Neither do I live in Unionville anymore. I live on Long Island, New York but I have to tell you; the manager at my local branch seems to be the kind of fella we had at the Bank of Nova Scotia when I was a child. Perhaps this bank will treat my money like mine not theirs.

Note: Found out what is wrong with my legs. I have chronic osteoarthritis. It can't be cured but the pain can be managed and I am not giving up or in on this.

July 9, 2010

Emergency Trip ASAP And Other Observations.

Hi Folks! I am going to go to the hospital emergency as soon as possible. My leg truly needs looking at and it hurts worse everyday.

Other than that life is wonderful on Long Island. My three animals have adapted well to their new life with our friend Dennis. We all love our new apartment. We have a bounty of technology as well as the simple things that make life enjoyable. I have had quite a bit of time to get used to the area we are in and I am absolutely in love with my neighborhood. There are friendly business people as well as friendly neighbors. It is everything and more than I hoped for when I was packing in OK! I hope that everyone moving this summer is this fortunate in finding a place to live.

As has been of late; this posting will be short and sweet. Until next time ... have a good day and God bless you all.

Graphics by Whisper and Guapo

June 15, 2010

Here At Last And Almost Settled!

Well I finally got here. It is a wonder but I am getting settled and happier by the minute. Have had way too many moving company problems! If you want to have a happy trip to your final destination then don't use Final Destination Movers. I have to file a complaint with them. To many articles broken and two not even delivered. Enough said.

My new neighborhood reminds me of Connecticut or Rosedale area in Toronto, Ontario. It is idylic! Our new apartment is lovely. Lots of things to be hung or set up yet; but that is okay, all that will come in time.

I am writing this on a friend's computer as mine still has to be connected to the internet. See you when that is done with the next post.

May 28, 2010

We need to find a HOME Again!

Thanks to a new friend in NY my fur babies will have a place to lay their little heads for awhile. The new place in NY unfortunately turned out to be nothing but a con by a fake project manager of a nonexistent company. So we have to find a new place by the end of June. However I am still on my way to New York tomorrow.

We need to rent a one bedroom apartment, on Long Island in northerly section of North Massapequa, or Bethpage or Northwest Farmingale near Boundary Avenue give or take 7 to 10 blocks in either a north or south direction or in Plainedge near Wyoming Ave please tell me in comments or use email. We have two very well behaved Tabby cats and an equally well behaved 6 lb Pomeranian. They are part of the family and we can't adopt them out. Surely you can offer a place for us. Children and teens, God Bless them; often make a great deal more mess and can not be discriminated against...why should are furry friends go without us or a home?

We also need a covered space in which to keep and charge an electric bike.

May 25, 2010

Very Excited

Got a new home, in a new state, with new people and new things to experience! Believe me folks no one is too old to relish that! Will be set up and with you next week....Till then just have a...

Graphics by Whisper and Guapo

I will soon be a real old homebody again!

May 14, 2010

Terrific News

Graphics by Whisper and Guapo Got some really terrific news today. First I am going to be able to move out of this house before the end of the month. I heard from the friend that lives in another of the eastern states and although not well they are alive and kicking. A friend of mine is coming to help me pack for 4 or 5 days next week; which considering my bum leg, will be a God send. So pretty soon I can put the imaginary traveling music on and enjoy my new home!

What amazes me the most; even though I am going to love getting to Long Island, I find that I miss friends in Oklahoma City a lot already. It seems this way often when we move, at least this has been my experience. This will be my last post before moving. My next post will be from Long Island. I hope that all of you will check my blog in mid June for that.

Best Nip Around!

May 10, 2010

Legs Can't Take It!

Folks, I am not a happy camper of late! I have been working like a beaver with it's tail on fire getting my things packed. I had to go downtown on business on Friday. I went to my destination on the OKC Metro Transit System ....that's bus to all of us that don't like fancy labels. I finished my business and went to the right bus stop to wait so I could travel home. I waited for over and an hour and a half, got frustrated and decided to walk home. Luckily when I go out on my own like that, I take a cane just for support. Well I bet you can guess what happened already folks. Two miles is much to great a distance for someone with game legs older than 50. You guessed it, I can barely walk now without my right leg hurting with every step. I am so upset with myself and the useless bus service in this town. I may just take myself to the Sawbones to see if anything can be done to alleviate the problem. Needless to say with only 21 days to get packed and gone out of my house, I am in a slight panic.

Which brings me to another query. Why are your friends all around you when they can acquire something from you but not there when you need some help??? Mind you, a lot of my friends have jobs, school, families, and disabilities so I can see why they cannot help me. But I have those that call themselves friend; that are footloose literally and figuratively that could help. They all know I am moving but none of them have called to offer their help. I don't know about you but I have the idea that the world was a much more agreeable place when I was a child. All I can say is pray for me folks and hope that I get through the next 21 days unscathed.

PS: If anyone out there needs a couple to rent an apartment, studio, or loft in a private home on Long Island in northerly section of North Massapequa, or Bethpage or Northwest Farmingale near Boundary Avenue give or take 7 to 10 blocks in either a north or south direction or in Plainedge near Wyoming Ave please tell me in comments or use email. We have two very well behaved Tabby cats and an equally well behaved 6 lb Pomeranian. They are part of the family and we can't adopt them out.

April 18, 2010

Moving - Short Rant

So far it has been a very busy month for me. It seems the more I do the more there is to do. I can't seem to get my bearings at all lately. I have been trying to figure out whether I want to use U-haul or a Mover; as my friend that was going to drive for me seems to have gotten quite sick. I have been thinking of getting a Pack Rat container to move to their storage lot for the things I don't need immediately. While all this is going around and around in my head I am praying the house gets sold and we get what we want and desire in New York.

So I guess what I need from you folks are your prayers and best wishes. However, if you live in the area I do, I sure could use a few bodies to get this mess in order and ready! I need a few competent friends to repack and pack before moving day. Then I need some really fit fellas to load the truck. I would not expect the 'movers' to do it for nothing but you and I need to know each other. I also need someone to help me organize a yard sale half way through next month. Knowing that things working just as I would like is probably quite possible; but not very probable I will just 'inch' on by myself and pray a lot.

Now those kitties have the right idea! Full of idealism and heart and short on on luggage!

April 7, 2010

Easter And The Move Ahead

Well here it is the 7th of April. I had a lovely Easter at my friend's home. She put on a large, delicious spread. I am very fond of ham and all the fixings. Her daughter made a castle shaped spice cake for dinner with cream cheese icing. There is nothing like the combination of good friends and good food.

We have had a combination of thunderstorms or the sun shining brightly for the last couple of weeks. In both cases the temperature has been quite warm; 60 or warmer. We were able to turn off our furnaces down here, at the end of March. As a matter of fact; I have had my stand up fan on for several days. Surrounding the house there are dozens of clumps of hyacinths, a sprinkling of tulips, a clump or two of Irises, and a few daffodils. They were a nice surprise.

Another lovely result of this weather; is the fact that I don't have to wear a jacket anymore. I am still in the midst of packing. I just hope that most of it is done by the end of this month. This whole business of moving is harrowing to say the least; but I have every confidence it will work out well. I am looking forward to setting up house in New York and visiting my daughter and grand kids in Ontario, Canada.

I have to get all three fur babies their shots; ready for the trip. I hope that they weather the move well. Dylan, my Pomeranian needs a grooming before leaving too. Haven't quite completely made up my mind just how we are going to make the move; but that will come by the end of the month too.

When I think of all the changes going on in my life, I must remember that life flourishes on change. We have to be aware that it is all of our experiences that make life interesting and worth living. I know something else for sure; anytime there has been a change in my life, it has always been for the best in the end. So folks keep me in your prayers for this and next month. I need all the support I can muster. Thanks to Tom, my late husband; I not only believe in dreaming my dreams, I believe in living my dreams!

Graphics by Whisper and Guapo