November 29, 2013
August 21, 2013
A Few Things To Blog About.
I have a few things to blog about today.
#1. I have been resting and reading a lot lately as I have spurts of really bad pain. But I have realized something really neat. As it did when I was younger, pain seems decreased when one is busy. I am trying to write some articles but can't sit for much longer periods of time than one hour. So I do my work in increments and fill in with lie down thinking time. Sometimes I even end up literally dreaming up ideas and themes. I really enjoy writing so I do it as much as I can but am careful not to overdue as pain does not make it creatively easy.
#2. I really would like to be better at paper work but know that I shall never surpass most first year college students. I really would like to have a better understanding of how taxes work but no matter what I read the subject evades me. I would like to do my own income taxes but just don't understand how to do it. But what I can do is write from my heart so I shall do what the good Lord gave me the talent to do.
#3 "I see the Creator of all things is not at our beck and call nor is he 'the magic man' there for our singular satisfaction. We in this life have free will and in order to get blessings we have to first believe in a higher power and then to do what he guides us to do in our lives. Our belief or faith that He exists, not our good works all of which we must do in any event, is what gives him the urge to give us blessings. He bestows these on both the just and the unjust because he is a merciful creator.
Having said that, I want to go on to say that we as human beings are exactly where we are for the right reasons even though it may not seem right at the time. The Creator I believe in does not give me anything more today than I can handle; even though it doesn't always seem 'fair' in that instance. So in light of that how can we meditate? Put in simple terms, I try to be the very best me I can be today and try to stay in the moment." *Author Unknown or it may be something I wrote. I cannot tell you as this was taken out of my text folder and has always been something I have believed for over 30 years.
#4 No matter what life hands me it is my choice to try to behave as helpfully, compassionately, and rationally as possible; while not allowing anyone to use me as a door mat.
The Wee Few Thoughts of Dylan the Dog
I went to the Lady's garden with the Lady, Ruth, and her daughter this morning. I was so glad to be outside I barked with joy. Everyone was talking and wanted me to stop barking. I don't understand. Why do I have to quit when they don't? Just saying -.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
2:18 PM
July 19, 2013
Nostalgic Afternoon
I have been thinking of my late husband Tom a great deal of late. I had occasion to see things written about him around on the net quite a bit today. He was a very good computer tech and a better than average pool player. The following is an excerpt that I wrote to give more information about his last few years.
"I did not know Tom before he started playing pool in the early 90's. I was his 4th wife before I became his widow. Tom and I used to go to the old pool hall on south May Ave in the strip mall. He would often win hands down even in his early fifties. I used to listen to them regale all the stories of his Pool Hall escapades. I enjoyed every minute I was with him right to the end.
He passed away from Pancreatic Cancer at the age of 59 years on May 12th, 2001. He had 23 years of Sobriety at the time of his death. He was cremated May 16th, 2001. A friend of his had built a scale model pool table of different kinds of hard wood to house the ashes. We had a memorial service for him on our lawn at our home. As long as I stayed in Oklahoma City I knew I would not get over his death so I moved back home to Canada. I thank God for every minute I spent with this wonderful gentleman."
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Tucker making a shot. |
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Our sister-in-law Evelyn, Tommy, and Ruth (me). |
The Wee Few Thoughts of Dylan the Dog
I went to the postage stamp garden in front of the house with Mom this morning. She cleaned up the four beds she has and hopefully she will plant the rest of the veggies. Then we went to the Lady's garden in the backyard and I was very excited. But Ruth would not let me dig the dirt under the trellis seat. I am so sad!
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
1:50 PM
July 2, 2013
Pondering Consequences
I often wonder why we aren't all brought up successfully to understand fully the idea of consequences. Not just to know the difference between right and wrong but to understand that with every action comes a reaction.
For instance; when we are little some of our parents left us to explore things around us while others filled our lives with dancing, singing, aerobatic, or piano lessons. I tried my best to bring up my three children; whom I love very dearly, with as many advantages as possible. I did not always make the right decisions nor was the world we lived in always kind to them. For reasons only the good Lord knows for sure, their life lessons were mostly left up to me.
I suppose, that as young adults my generation had to relearn a lot of the values our parents had given us. This was mainly as young people a lot of us had our own agendas; as a lot of us were part of the hippie subculture for awhile. We were fortunate enough, to be able to remember a lot of those things we had learned from our parents too.
However, whatever the reason, many of us from the last two generations, have not carried on with the idea of consequences very well. So like deer caught in the headlights, we are surprised when things that are not so pleasant happen to us or do not turn out the way we have dreamed they would turn out. So with the passage of time we had to realize just what we needed to do in the world around us. I think, taking stock, that my peers and their children are not doing too bad a job of it either.
Most of my generation that I know and our children are very aware of environmental, political, and social issues and seem personally involved in setting things right. So in the end most of my friends and family have, in the end become aware of the whole action-reaction theory. My fervent hope is that it isn't too late.
The Wee Few Thoughts of Dylan the Dog
I don't worry too much about the world at large. I am just here to tell you what a wonderful feeling it gives a dog like me to dig the earth under the trellis in the garden. The earthy smell quite fires me up for a new day. The lovely lady that tends the garden doesn't mind if I dig there.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
9:53 AM
April 18, 2013
Things Are Not The Way They Should Be!
I have a friend who has an elderly friend and companion on a stay in Mackenzie Health Center. He is this person's caregiver. This person has a right arm brace provided by a fore mentioned Health Center. My friend; who tries to visit their friend patient 4312 in bed 4, says the health care specialists are treating them too roughly and improperly. My friend has no access to '4312' and the hospital staff has made it impossible for them to visit the patient. All the caregiver and friend wants is to be able to protect '4312' and get them released to their own doctor.
Patient 4312 originally went to Mackenzie for a seizure on April 6 of 2013. Up to this past weekend, the "health care specialists" inserted a catheter several times before it worked properly and an IV was not efficiently inserted in the patients arm either. Their caregiver got barred for being a compassionate person with training and experience. They just wanted the nurses to not be so rough with '4312' and hear what they had to say.
The caregiver believes the patient needs to be discharged so they can go home. They don't need hospital care anymore as admitted by their own doctor. Nurses, the family doctor, social worker, and physiotherapist all will visit the patient regularly as they did in the past and the patient and caregiver live together in a common residence.
The Wee Few Thoughts of Dylan the Dog
I just have one thought going around in my brain right now. I want the bad weather to go away from now till the end of November. I want to go to the park regularly with my lady, Ruth. I want some lots of walking and fresh air. Hope it comes soon and that the Creator of everything lets everything grow and flourish. That is all I got to say.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
1:22 PM
April 2, 2013
Easter Weekend
This past Easter weekend was lovely! The Tenebrae Service on Friday was very impressive and it made Easter Sunday all the more joyful! My faith as been bolstered considerably. Thank you RHCC Service Team.
I wore the 'Easter Bonnet' that I bought and Ardelle decorated. It matched my new blouse to a 'T'. I really appreciate having such a talented friend. Prior to the Easter Service everyone had a lovely breakfast together which included a lot of eggs; coloured and plain.
I hope that this Spring supplies us all here at the house with renewed energy so we can enjoy living.
The Wee Few Thoughts of Dylan the Dog
I don't know much about Easter except I got some nice nibbles of ham on Monday. But Ruth told me that the Lord made all the creatures here on earth including me so I guess Spring is a good time for this doggie too! I won't get my grooming done till this coming Friday as Mom cancelled the one for March 29 as it was Good Friday. I am looking forward to seeing my groomer then.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
11:40 AM