October 30, 2012
Halloween; also known as All Hallows' Eve, is a yearly celebration observed in a number of different countries on Oct 31st. This is the date of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows or All Saints eve. According to many experts, it was originally influenced by western European harvest festivals and the festivals of the dead with possible pagan roots , particularly the Celtic Samhain. Others say that is started independently of Celtic Samhain and has Christian roots.
Whichever it is Halloween is the chance for children to go from house to house to collect treats. Unfortunately there are those who have given rotten treats in the past and now most adults prefer to have their children to go to a party where they know they will be safe. I used to love having little kids particularly come by all dressed up as a gypsy or a bum or a fairy and give them a nice treat. It is a shame because of some persons perverted sense of what they think is humour today's children can not prove to be an entertainment of sorts to the older generation.
The Wee Few Thoughts of Dylan the Dog
Why don't our masters or mistresses take us out for Halloween. I ask you....if we could just get a few pieces of chicken or a bit of pepperoni, wouldn't that be lovely? Some us who are talented could do a curtsey or bow and get extras! Oh well! Nobody listens to a wee doggie so I guess I will be staying in on Halloween again this year.
I could wear this outfit Mom!
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
4:51 PM
October 18, 2012
Learning Even Now
For me; it is amazing how ones learning curve always kicks in when the teacher is available! Sometimes, someone is your teacher even when they don't realize it. Such has been the case with my Bank of America lately. Suffice to say they charged me with some unfair and ridiculously high overdraft fees. I phoned their business number in the states and had overdraft fees of $35 out of $70 on 46 cents refunded in last month. Well I still felt that they did not have a right to be charging me the remainder on the first fee so I phoned again this past week. After about an hour on the phone they refunded the other $35 and I am at last satisfied with that aspect of things. The other thing that bothers me about all banks are the huge fees put on government checks that originate in the states. Once they are through with a check of say, $400 you are lucky to have $350 left. The only efficient way to get your money out is the ATM and they are unforgiving on your end as well as the bank's end. It is my opinion that the banks should go after those who are rich and leave the fixed incomes alone!
Another bone of contention is the problem I have getting a real live person on the line when I want to clear up a problem with that business. I also have an issue with people who have scripts that they use on every customer on their phone line. For instance, I don't think telling someone who is livid about a mistake on their companies part, to 'have a good day', when passing the person to a supposed superior. Also what is the matter with people in the 'business world'? Why on earth should I have to repeat everything as I go up the senority ladder? Why can't they give me the right person from the beginning??? Well those are all my complaints for today. :)
We have had a lovely time preparing our postage stamp garden in the front for the winter; but I think we have done what is required now. The fruits of our labour gave us many nice salads and sandwiches. We have also been able to store some lovely herbs to put a hint of summer in our cooking this winter. So my friends I will leave the last words to my doggie, Dylan.
The Wee Few Thoughts of Dylan the Dog - this is an updated portion of this posting.
I sure think it is important to try to get along with all my canine neighbors and although some of them are larger than me I do respect and appreciate them. One noble fellow in our little neighbourhood was fighting for his life. He was in Ruth's prayers constantly. He did not get well; so I know that the Lord took him over the Rainbow Bridge as it was his time. He passed away on Saturday the 20th of October. My human friend says the important thing is; that an animal never suffer needlessly. I might add that this particular dog's humans, the people that own this stout fellow; are very kind and cared a great deal for him. Tete you are in our thoughts today.
Yours with paws,
Dylan the dog.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
8:53 AM
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