More Just Funny Comments
We are well into the summer season. I don't know about anyone else but I miss the days of the old swimming hole. Something for nothing or very inexpensive, with no chlorine. I wonder where the pebbled beaches of the Canada's lakes are and why on earth one person should own it more than another.
Used to be, back in the 50's before all the developers got their greedy hands into things a person could go about 20 to 30 miles north of the College and Young Street in Toronto and be in cottage country. There were also lots of well tended public 'beaches' around Musselmans Lake. Or a family could travel a bit further to stay the weekend at some lake side hotel or cabin row and enjoy the 'Haliburtons'.
One can't do that these days much. The water front property is either expensively all over-developed, been declared off limits for swimming, or you must pay through the nose for an hour on the beach. The water is no longer clear, the fauna has been tampered with as well as the flora, and there are far too many expensive fun parks, made for thrill seekers, beside super highways.
What has happened to going to the Island for fun? It seems to be a lost concept. Cities like Toronto have neglected things like 'Ontario Place' for what? Why I remember when we used to go to Sunnyside Amusement Park. Those were quieter, gentler times when people could get far more fun for far less money! Now I don't expect people to go backwards in time but surely it isn't too much for us to expect the City of Toronto or any other city with some of same situations, to not waste what we have developed. Give Ontario Place a face lift and use your noodles down at the planning commission. It is important for it not to cost the public too much. It should be something that gives us more bang for the buck and still pay for itself.
Stop wasting your time at town hall being self defeating and use your collective noodles a bit more. Use the places that are built first, don't fall back on bigger and better of the same old rides. Invent something that is both thrilling, educational, and not too expensive to build. Toronto can be a city of good old fashioned fun again if we all try to make it happen. How about a concept contest, open to all in the GTA from 8 on up? Whoever wins gets a season's pass to the place. Used to be a time when the people on boards here in Toronto would often get together and use their collective imaginations. Wish we could see that happen again.
The Wee Few Thoughts of Dylan the Dog
We Canines want to have a great summer too. But that will only be possible if our owners purchase biodegradable poop bags and make sure they have them wherever they take us! There are some none dog owners who look at some dogs with dread when they visit the park. That is most likely because they have seen the owners let their dog's do their business and walked away. People smile when they see Mom and I in the park because she scoops my poop. Such a small thing to ask. You say you love your dog? Well then prove it by making sure their reputations remain unsullied.
Oh one more thing. Anyone know where I can go for a stress free grooming in Richmond Hill. One of the groomers who did not seem to know how to handle me awhile back; told Mom I should be done at the vets under local anesthetic. Well Mom won't do that to a 6 lb Pomeranian like myself. What baffles Ruth is that I had groomers that always had a happy puppy throughout my experiences in Oklahoma. Surely there are groomers here that can do the same. Please leave any information about a good inexpensive groomer on the comment area. I know Mom would also like to get some feed back on the blog. Be careful out there and enjoy your summer everyone!
Note: The graphic of the water skating kitty was gotten here. The picture of Dylan was taken by my friend Alec Bruyns.