It saddens me a great deal the way that people today don't seem to care what happens in their society. I wonder where the teachings of my parents and grandparents have gone. Even when someone was not respected as someone that people revered; others showed common decency towards them. There is a video being shown on 'you tube' these days and you might find it interesting so go here
I do not understand the way people think at all. I hope those young people get prosecuted to the full extent of the law. My generation were pretty off the wall but we still respected our elders. 'The world is big, and cat bullies might be cute, but people bullies are the ugliest monsters I can imagine.' Posted by Angelica Sidious
What really gets me about this situation is that she is probably monitoring these vindictive little trolls for nothing.
There is another problem people have with their lack of manners these days as well.. The big thing is that everyone should keep a real date book so you know what is on during that month. First, to keep yourself abreast of business, social, and medical commitments. Second, to make sure you don't commit to more than you can handle. Third, it also helps to keep probabilities penciled in so that you can tell people in good time, that; if such and such happens you won't be able to attend whatever event. It makes life go along at a nicer pace. It also helps keep your relationships with people on a positive upswing.
The Wee Few Thoughts of Dylan the Dog
Ruth is talking about a very important problem today. I watched a bit of the video with her. And people call us 'animals'! It is horrific what these human children did.
In regard to the other thing - if I had a real social life I would keep a date book. But I don't write and I can't see the sense in having a book full of paw prints. :)
The bullying cat picture comes from Angelica's site 'Millions of Cats'. The picture of Dylan was taken by Alec Bruyns.
There is a darling little park near my home where my dog, Dylan and I go to walk at least once a day. However there is a problem these days with Skopit Park. A number of people with both big and little dogs and pigs are not bringing their own biodegradable bags with them so they can scoop their animals poop. Furthermore people with coffee cups, soda bottles water bottles, and various and sundry disposable food containers, are just dropping them on the ground. The parks people that cut the grass and empty those round boxes spend their time cleaning up after the debris. Wouldn't it be easier on our tax dollars if we would just take a minute to put our own garbage in the trash bin?
These thoughtless actions are not appreciated by a lot of people who use the park for their children, their animals and themselves. To me it is like littering on a small portion of God's living room! We need to be better housekeepers of this world and it starts in each of our own neighbourhoods.
It is important to keep Mother Earth pristine one step at a time. Yes; this includes baby steps. One might think, "Well one little cigarette butt or piece of paper or 'Tim's' cup won't make a difference; but people it does! Let us all be Ladies and Gentleman and keep our streets, our homes and our parks clean and tidy!
The Wee Few Thoughts of Dylan the Dog
Ruth and I went to the park this morning and dirty things were littered all over the ground! My nose was not giving me the lovely green smells I have come to expect when I am there. Three nights ago I put my paw into some Setter's yucky poop because their owner didn't scoop their doggies' stuff. If I had opposable thumbs instead of paws, I would have picked up the litter and gotten my 'Mommy' to put it in one of two containers for stinky things. But I don't! Ruth and I were both very disappointed in the other humans about us that misuse our little park.
All the pictures are stock photos except the one of Dylan the Dog which my friend Alec Bruyns took for me and the map which I got from the Town of Richmond Hill site.