I often wonder what this fascination with counting down 'till Christmas is all about. Don't these people know that the whole season flies past for us older folks? Why on earth can't people savor these things???? Give me time to take a look at the old tree and decide if I want to buy a real one or a new artificial tree. Do I want to get a sweater for the dog or a slicker? What can I get for the grand-kids? My kids? My close friends? The weird thing is when you and I figure all this out it will probably be within seconds of our last breath. 'Kids your Mom has found out something important.' Every one draws near and you or I breathe our last puff of air. I think what I am saying is this; none of it counts a fig in the Big Picture! What counts is the way we celebrate Christmas.
Which leads me to this bone of contention. Christmas is ....now wait for this brain storm....entirely too commercial. I absolutely rue the day some idiot shortened the word Christmas to Xmas. To me that is absolutely sacrilegious. Come on folks show a little respect. Christmas is literally the Mass of Christ. Hello people! We are still in a Christian country. Those who are citizens or legal immigrants; whose traditions and faiths come from another culture, you know you are welcomed to celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Eid Al Adha, the Festival of the Sacrifice in this country. However, remember also that the Christian traditions of Christmas should take precedence outside of your home or places of worship. Nor is it good manners, for instance, to give those who man the Salvation Army Kettles dirty looks just because they say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays in their own Christian country.
This celebration isn't about Walmart, the Grinch, or how much loot you get on the morning of the 25th. It is about THE BABE IN A MANGER IN BETHLEHEM. I am not against the different Christmas animations or stories like 'A Christmas Carol'. Nor am I against all the lovely customs that come with this time of year from Canada and from other lands; but let us remember that this day is to celebrate Jesus Christ's birthday in this country of Canada.
My last pet peeve is this. Every year the magic goes out of Christmas a little more for our children at an increasingly younger age. Why are people so anxious for children to grow up so fast? Heck, the other day I saw a girl no older than 7 getting her eye brows plucked in a ladies salon, on television. It is crazy and foolish the way the media, parents and peers seem to take joy in ripping away a girl's or boy's childhood. Things like the wonder and magic of the Christmas story, friends and family together for their Yuletide feast, Saint Nick's visitation, including a sleigh and eight tiny reindeer, and the caroling services at churches across the land on Christmas Eve or Day seem to be fading into the past. Put a little time into starting or maintaining some lovely old Christian traditions. Please stop the insanity and help a child stay in their childhood for another year. Keep your big mouth shut!
Now I am going to close my mouth and let you maul over my words. In any case remember the Babe, the reason we celebrate, and enjoy this season.
November 29, 2011
Twenty- Five Shopping Days Until Christmas.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
12:44 PM
November 20, 2011
Funny Situation.
Last year at this time I was celebrating the American Thanksgiving. This year, as I am in my own country once more; I celebrated Harvest Home or Thanksgiving here in Canada this past October 10th. So I begin this blog by extending a hearty 'Happy Thanksgiving' to our southern neighbors.
I feel that I am in a 'funny' or unique situation. I watch all that is going on around me and realize that I am one of probably many; that won't be spending Christmas with their children. One of my children is far away, another still isn't speaking to me; as they haven't for at least the last 12 years and the last is having personal challenges. So no grandchildren climbing on my knee.
When I was young and right up to my thirties, my siblings and I and our respective families always spent Christmas with our family. That is with my Mom and Dad. Now that both our parents are gone, we don't get together and that saddens me a great deal. The traditions that went with our Christmases past seem to have disappeared. The promise and hope that they came with those traditions have become invisible.
All this brings me to this clear and obvious point. When you have an opportunity to have good times with family and /or friends enjoy them because you never know when they will end. Think hard and long; as to who are the important people in your life. Once you decipher who are the main folks for you; make sure that they feel their importance all the time, not just on holidays. I can tell you one thing for sure, hindsight is always better than foresight. But if you think before you act, you may be fortunate enough not to have that running through your mind a few years from now.
The other thing that has come to mind about relationships and the holidays is this idea. If you want to give something to someone you love and don't have much dough then use your imagination and think of something nice you can create for them. Better something from the heart than nothing at all! Whether you give them a piece of clothing or a an ornament you make or write a poem or short story; it will be appreciated as you are giving of yourself. Don't leave things till the last minute; whether store bought or homemade gifts are given. Be ahead of deadlines in all projects or you will be feeling bad because Sue got hers and Jane didn't. Most of all enjoy all the time you spend shopping or creating for or visiting with your special people. Be good company when you are with the folk that are so dear to you. That way you will probably have a chance to see them on the next occasion.
Last; but not least, don't whine about all the things that didn't happen last year or the conflicts that did etc. Stay in the moment and give of yourself without being a miser or placing limitations on the occasion, the people or yourself.
Note: Believe when I say that I wrote that last bit for myself as much as you folks!
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
2:25 PM
November 11, 2011
Lest We Forget.
In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
10:00 AM
November 9, 2011
An amazing photo by Brian Jason Bedford
I think this is so necessary especially in these times of recession. I believe that people should have this in mind before they make any decisions. They just may make fewer decisions that damage their relationships with others. It might also encourage people to ask the opinions of those who will be affected by their decision. It would probably make everyone happier; if we could all follow through on what we say or promise more often than not.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
6:36 AM