The World is filled with so much good,
That brings us joy and pleasure,
But true fulfillment only comes...
When Christ, we love and treasure.
I am God's kid and have many different aspects to my personality. Any time I try to be the best I can be, I feel I am doing the God of my understanding's will. He guides me along my life's path every day. When someone suggests I do something in my life; be it big or small, I feel compelled to get His guidance.
I have an inquiring mind even now at the ripe old age of 63. I believe in being able to constantly redefine or tune-up my belief system. Basically speaking, I believe in the same things I did when I was confirmed at 12 years of age. Hopefully; with as much optimism and unyielding faith as I had then.
However, I do not believe blindly nor do I believe all of the same things others in any given church say I should. I believe that faith is personal and that intellect is a very tiny part of any act of faith. I believe it is done by and within the heart and soul of a person. I think that it is one of a very few emotion driven acts that are truly honest and valid. It is also the only act that is there when you wake up until you go to sleep at night. To me living in this world can be a celebration; if each breath and move you make, is part of that faith in action.
July 26, 2011
Just A Thought
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
4:59 PM
July 19, 2011
New Home!
Well folks, I am still setting up my new home. I have a large room and I share kitchen privileges. Got a place for my dog, Dylan, and I to lay our weary heads and a place to work on my computer; so the important things are covered. The other cool thing about one room is there isn't much housework. There is a little park nearby, where we can grab some early morning exercise. According to Dylan that is around 7 am in the morning.
The neatest thing about it is that I am renting from one of my dearest friends. We have known each other for over 40 years. She has a garden in the backyard here; that she can enjoy to her hearts content. She has planted a lovely herb and flower garden. She comes over during the week and has mini-holidays from the stress of the outside world.
I am able to visit my oldest sister and my niece as they only live a couple of blocks away from me. I really enjoy that.
I am enjoying my days working away at my computer and setting up my business sites once and for all. Hopefully I shall be able to get it set up by the end of the summer. I will post a notice here when I have been able to do that.
A girl friend of mine is sending the few boxes I salvaged from all the possessions I moved with from Oklahoma to New York. I had to leave a great many things in New York. It has been very confusing and frustrating with the postal strike, Dennis' untimely death, and all. I hope that all the boxes I earmarked and their contents arrive intact just as I packed them.
If any of you live around the Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada area just e-mail me at and perhaps we can get in touch.
Talk to all of you next time ...and if you have a moment I sure would like to see a comment or two!
Good News Note: Glad to see that Barry, Dennis' brother, is out of the hospital as of July 23rd!
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
9:40 AM