Well folks in Canada now and becoming a refreshed Canadian citizen bit by bit. Looking into what I need to do here to get settled. Had to leave most of my things in the states. Hopefully those who are keeping the few things I boxed to mail to my new address here will do what they said they would. I will try to get back online permanently as soon as I possibly can.
May 30, 2011
Hopefully Get Canadian Ducks in a Row!
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
9:11 AM
May 21, 2011
Have to go home to Canada.
Unfortunately I have to go home to Canada. I have a problem though. I must find a home temporary or other wise for two lovely, litter box trained, neutered, adult tabbies. I haven't been able to find a less expensive home here on LI for myself, my dog and my two kitties. I can only afford to take my dog with me. I have been trying to get them a place to go since my husband passed away on April 15th. Been working on this since I realized I would not get another home here at the end of April. The cats need a good home by May 23rd or morning of the 24th at latest. I feel very distraught and am worried sick about this problem. Surely there is someone that can pick them up right away as I have no car. If you love animals and can help me out please do! My phone number here at my soon to be old home is 516-454-2399. Please message me on twitter or face book before 12pm tonight or phone me as I will be off internet after 12pm.
Ruth ShultzPlease I need help!
Note: I was able to find a place for them thanks to the kindness of Oyster Bay Animal Shelter (no kill). With luck my babies will be adopted.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
11:28 AM