January 31, 2011

Been Working to Make Pin Money.

Been working away at articles for my business blog which hopefully will be ready soon, I will make you aware when that is done.

I have been reflecting a lot on some of the things happening in my life of late. If I haven't given you a cautionary note about these things yet I will now.
1. If you are moving do not use Destination Van Lines, Inc. My thoughts are based on the service I did not receive when I moved with them in June of last year. Take a look at this if you want to see my report.
2. I have successfully been smoke free since last July.
3. I am working hard to put in some walking for health as many days in the week are possible.
4. Eating as healthy foods as possible although chocolate is far too alluring.
5. Making sure my kitties and dog have all the things they need for health.
6. Putting the trip to see my children together in the Spring.
I suppose some of that can be put under the heading of resolutions.

The other thing that is on my mind today is that I want write new blog entries more often.
Instead of twice a month at least once a week. So you may be able to catch my pearls of wisdom more often. Til I write my next post Dear Readers I will be sticking around here.

January 2, 2011

Just A Little Greeting!

Hope you had a very Merry Christmas :)

I know I had a lovely one!

Hope you have a very Happy New Year!

Note: Please bare with me ....I am changing computers as this one constantly is rebooting and messing up generally speaking.