I have three issues that are bothering me a great a deal of late so I decided to share with you folks. First issue: Are emails sometimes the bane of your existence? Do you get multiple copies of the same less than valuable offers? Or someone sending the same offer more than 2 times in a week? Second issue: Have any of you ever had the misfortune of someone not being honest enough to refund what is due you? Third issue: Who are the ones that decide your article 'worth'?
First issue: I went to my inbox today and found over 3000 emails. Over a half of them were duplicated mailings. When I got those pared down I found that a lot of the offers were just absolute crap! I have made it known on any emails I send that I want them to know that they should tell me if I send duplicates and for them to give me the same courtesy.
Second issue: You see to me an offer can be valuable even if you spend $7 on it . It may be worthwhile at $47. But if I find it is just a rerun of the same old tired stuff that is when I want a refund or when I haven't ordered it in the first place but have it foisted upon me. I tried to write this one marketer about the refund honestly owed to me. I have replied to 4 of his emails over the past 11 days along with a ticket at his help desk to no avail. I mean he hasn't even had the courtesy to write me.
Third issue: Just who is it that is phenomenally 'great' enough to judge if a person's content is good enough? How do you get in the article elite? And when do you do does it do you any good? Are the reviews that important? I don't have any answers for these questions but if you have something to say please write your comment or answer here.
May 17, 2009
I Got Issues!
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
11:36 PM
May 7, 2009
On Death and Organization.
Sorry for not posting anything for a few weeks folks. Going through some personal and business problems but I am working through them.
I am going through that very hard transition from Blogger to Business Site. Trying to not only look professional but run my little business a bit more professionally.
A young friend of mine; who is half my age, is going through a terrible struggle with cancer. That is always a sad thing to watch. Another friend of mine just died at the end of April at 82 years young.
All this has given me the ambition to write a will, get insurance to cover costs when I pass away, and instructions for my memoriam as I have opted for cremation.
I have decided to have a lot of my favorite secular tunes as well as couple of hymns played or sung. I want my memoriam to celebrate my life not morbidly define my death. I want people to remember me with fondness and to share anecdotes about me. I want them to serve my favorite chocolate cake recipe and coffee at my 'wake'.
I would appreciate them remembering me for my flubs as well as my good points.
And that; my friends, is my offering for today!
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
11:02 PM