I think that the New Years will bring with it a lot of success for us all. I for one am determined to be more helpful to my friends online and in doing so hopefully a nice income will come with that activity. I am hopefully going to get down to business and give you a whole lot of new information for your pleasure and your financial well being. Perhaps the two of us can make a good living, be happier and have a lot more freedom in 2008. To all my friends online I wish you a very healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.
December 31, 2007
The New Year...It is almost here!
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
10:44 AM
December 20, 2007
Blogging Must Have A Purpose.
I believe it is very important to have a purpose behind your blogging. Whether it is to promote some sort of new marketing system, coaching software, ebook or if it simply to state one's opinion on a particular subject. Most of the people I know a bit online work hours that are convenient for them. I find creating a blog rather than a web site allows you to work a lot less hours once you got the initial blog up and running. I also find that my writer's heart enjoys creating a blog a lot more. I truly wish I understood the act of making money online a whole lot better. One hopes when all is said and done the bottom line is to help others but it doesn't hurt to make some income for yourself and to have some fun doing it all.
Lately I have been paying attention to some other fine bloggers. Rich Schefren is a young man who has real integrity about his work on the net. I suggest you take a look at his site, just click to the right under interesting Links. There is a lovely young lady named Jinger Jarrett that has managed to answer a multitude of questions for me both as a writer and internet marketer. Lonny Linquist is one gentleman who is more than generous with his talents and a lot of free software. Albert Grande is another fellow that bears mentioning. He is more than generous with
his time. These are just three of the good, honest and understanding folk you can find on the net. All these people have more than one purpose to their blogging of course; but they all want to help others succeed as well.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
6:43 AM
December 8, 2007
Some Clarification of Intentions
I think I will stay with the original purpose generally speaking but given my quirky sensibility it will evolve a little left of center. Writing is a craft as a lot of people think but it is also very recreational and extremely cleansing as with journals and autobiographical material. Soon I hope to have a web site that features things like copywriting courses and other affiliations to sites that devote their material to writing. Whether it is a good, honest, nonpatronizing sales page, a well constructed landing page, or just a page full of the authors thoughts for that day it can all be very enlightening .
Today I am just going to leave you with a task. If you could please leave some comments on this article it would be appreciated. Tell me what kind of things you would like to know more about and I shall try to incorporate it in later articles. I don't want this blog to be merely a monologue but a chance for me to exchange ideas with others. Hopefully this will enrich both our lives. I think that Terry Pratchett said it best; "Writing is the most fun you can have by yourself"; but I say writing is a shared experience or it has no worth.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
4:55 AM
November 28, 2007
I Don't Believe in Humbugs
Now shopping in itself isn't a bad thing but I maintain that one must not over extend oneself too much. People, generally speaking, run on the old 'keeping up with the Joneses' method. That is not a good thing. The average household can put themselves in credit card hell this way. Whatever happened to the old adage, 'It is the thought that counts'?
As an observer of Christmases past, I have seen children, from ages 4 to 18, throw temper tantrums because they did not get the absolutely most sought after thing-ma-bobby or whatsit. I have seen wives and husbands angry at each other for weeks after Christmas because they didn't get exactly what they had ordered from 'Santa'. Never mind the singular original idea behind the holiday.
Where has the Christmas Spirit been exiled to in this 21st century? Where is the appreciation for the wonderful smells wafting from the kitchen, the popcorn strings or paper chains, and the tradition of families getting together to be together? Where are the simple greetings gone, the surprises of the yule tide, and that unbottled brand of good cheer?
Perhaps I am a smidgeon nostalgic. But I am ready for the kind of Christmas I had when I was a little girl. When everyone gathered around the table, someone praying over the feast, and watching the men in the family letting their belts out a notch. The joy of receiving small gifts from an Aunt or second cousin in England from the post office. And when the 'elf' of the year handed out the abundance from under the tree, feeling fortunate indeed to have gotten as many presents as there were fingers on one tiny hand.
But most of all I hunger for the wonder and anticipation of Christmas Eve Mass with my family. The joyful carols, the scent of evergreen throughout the church, and the Christmas Story told once again. Memories can never be repeated but traditions can be preserved. There are loved ones to whom one can wish good tidings. If they are faraway, then celebrate Christmas with special friends. Be like Scrooge after he got the message from the three apparitions. 'Hold Christmas in your heart throughout the year'. God Bless us everyone.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
3:05 AM
November 4, 2007
I have been trying to figure out just what to do to make a living on the net. When I originally started this blog, it was going to be a part of a membership site. Right now I cannot afford to dally about with it. So I have decided to turn this into a more personal blog were I can write some of the things twirling around in my gray mater. I will succeed in business but it probably would be better to do it elsewhere. I am compelled to use this space as a place where my racing mind takes a break and perhaps gains some serenity.
I have a very close girlfriend who is moving up North and part of me was truly happy for her when I heard the news. However, there was another side, if I am honest that definitely was a little envious because she is doing it before me. You see, I have been talking about leaving this part of the country for the past 3 years. However, after being on the phone with her the other day I realized just how absolutely stressed out she was I started feeling very empathetic towards her. If I am to go ahead with my plan to move north I must impliment my common sense very soon. I know now that I must have a 'blueprint' to get from here to there. I need to find a way of dealing with the tangible things so that my inner life remains calm and the stress doesn't get the better of me.
Every time I think of making the move I become overwhelmed thinking about all the sorting, discarding, packing, and the decisions that go with that territory. At those moments I hear my Mother's voice say, 'Where there is a will there is a way'. I wonder now if it isn't a mad woman's mission to move so far away. It feels almost impossible at times for me, to be even considering the task of moving house and home at my age. Hey I know - I not getting older but better. However its another thing to tell my back and bones that sweet homely. I think maybe going slightly crackers in this instance is one prerogative. Perhaps the best thing to do is just try to write triumphantly and continue attempting to be the very best I can be moment to moment.
I need a good nap and a cat to talk to now.
Posted by
R. D. Shultz
9:37 AM